New Rainbow Rose Board

Last weekend Rainbow Rose held its General Assembly in Brussels, hosted by Vooruit Belgium and its LGBTI network Regenboog.Rood and PS Belgium.

The growing right-wing backlash in Europe has shown that we cannot take our rights and achievements for granted. The Rainbow Rose General Assembly highlighted the importance of continued organising and campaigning to protect the human rights of LGBTI people.

Delegates reaffirmed their drive to work closely with the Party of European Socialists (PES) and its member parties to win the European Parliament elections in 2024. Where progressives are in power, there’s an improvement in policies and of the lives of LGBTI people, as shown in the latest ILGA Rainbow Europe Map and Index 2023 presented to the General Assembly.

PES Treasurer and Minister of Development Cooperation and Urban Policy in the Belgian Government Caroline Gennez said:

“I congratulate Rainbow Rose on its excellent General Assembly and warmly welcome the newly elected President Dajana Bakić and the new leadership team. I know we will work hand in hand over the coming years for free, democratic, societies based on equality and solidarity. These values are in the DNA of our political family and we will fight for them at every opportunity. In parts of Europe, right-wing forces are attempting to dismantle democracy, targeting LGBTI people, women and minorities. We will not let this happen. Attempts to undermine the principle that all people are of equal value will not succeed. This will be one of our main tasks as social democrats in these coming years.”

Newly elected President of Rainbow Rose, Dajana Bakić:

“Times are challenging for the LGBTI community and together with our allies we need to continue our mission to build a progressive Europe, standing strongly on our socialist values and principles. The new Board will continue to grow our diverse network of organisations and activists all over Europe, and provide support especially to communities where democracy is at stake, where we, progressives, need to increase open political commitment and advocacy for LGBTI issues. I am privileged and excited to be elected as Rainbow Rose President and energised to lead our network in the fight for an equal and fair society for all.”

Rainbow Rose approved and welcomed new members, PD Italy and SDLP LGBT+ and adopted a motion to advance transgender lives and rights across Europe.

Rainbow Rose welcomed prominent progressive politicians and activists to the General Assembly, including Iratxe García, president of the S&D Group, Zita Gurmai, president of PES Women, Conner Rousseau, president of the Vooruit Belgium and Enric Lopez, Vice-President of YES.

The new Rainbow Rose team for the next mandate is:

  • President: Dajana Bakić (SDP Bosnia and Herzegovina)

  • Secretary General: Ian Dylan Thomas (LGBT+ Labour, United Kingdom)

  • Treasurer: Carola Ebhardt (SPDqueer, Germany)

Vice Presidents:

  • Sam Van de Putte (Regenboog.Rood, Belgium)

  • Marene Elgershuizen (PvdA Roze Netwerk, Netherlands)

  • Sebastian Pay (SOHO, SPÖ Austria)

Board Members:

  • Jessica Ekerbring (HBTS. Sweden)

  • Victor Gutierrez Santiago (PSOE LGBTI, Spain)

Control Commission:

  • Camilia Garfias-Mitterhuber (SOHO, SPÖ Austria)

  • Jan Beugelaar (PvdA Roze Netwerk, Netherlands)

  • Raquel Pedraja Sainz (PSOE LGBTI, Spain)


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